Go (or Golang) has revolutionized concurrent programming with its elegant implementation of coroutines, known as goroutines. If you’re coming from languages that make concurrency complicated, you’re in for a treat. Go’s approach makes concurrent programming accessible, efficient, and dare I say it—fun!

Today, we’ll dive deep into goroutines and explore how Go’s concurrency model works.

What Are Coroutines?

Coroutines are computer program components that allow execution to be suspended and resumed. Unlike traditional functions that must run to completion before returning control, coroutines can pause their execution, yield control, and then resume where they left off.

In Go, these are implemented as goroutines—lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime rather than the operating system. This makes them extremely efficient, allowing you to run thousands (or even millions) of concurrent tasks with minimal overhead.

Creating Your First Goroutine

Let’s start with a simple example:

package main

import (

func sayHello() {
    fmt.Println("Hello Mum!")

func main() {
    // Start a goroutine
    go sayHello()

    // This prevents the main function from exiting before the goroutine completes
    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
    fmt.Println("Main function")

The magic happens with that simple go keyword. By prefixing a function call with go, you launch it as a separate goroutine that runs concurrently with the rest of your program.

Communication Between Goroutines: Channels

One of Go’s mottos is: “Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.”

This is where channels come in. Channels are the pipes that connect concurrent goroutines, allowing them to send and receive values:

package main

import "fmt"

func sum(s []int, c chan int) {
    sum := 0
    for _, v := range s {
        sum += v
    c <- sum // Send sum to channel

func main() {
    s := []int{7, 2, 8, -9, 4, 0}

    c := make(chan int)
    go sum(s[:len(s)/2], c)
    go sum(s[len(s)/2:], c)

    x, y := <-c, <-c // Receive from channel

    fmt.Println(x, y, x+y)

Buffered Channels

By default, channels are unbuffered, meaning they only accept sends if there is a corresponding receive ready. Buffered channels accept a limited number of values without a corresponding receiver:

ch := make(chan int, 100)

This creates a buffered channel with a capacity of 100 integers.

Select Statement: Managing Multiple Channels

The select statement lets a goroutine wait on multiple communication operations:

package main

import (

func main() {
    c1 := make(chan string)
    c2 := make(chan string)

    go func() {
        time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
        c1 <- "one"

    go func() {
        time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
        c2 <- "two"

    for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
        select {
        case msg1 := <-c1:
            fmt.Println("Received", msg1)
        case msg2 := <-c2:
            fmt.Println("Received", msg2)

The select statement blocks until one of its cases can proceed, then executes that case. If multiple cases are ready, it chooses one at random.

Synchronization with WaitGroups

What if we need to wait for multiple goroutines to finish? That’s where sync.WaitGroup comes in:

package main

import (

func worker(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    defer wg.Done() // Mark this goroutine as done when the function completes

    fmt.Printf("Worker %d starting\n", id)
    fmt.Printf("Worker %d done\n", id)

func main() {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
        wg.Add(1) // Increment the counter
        go worker(i, &wg)

    wg.Wait() // Wait for all goroutines to complete
    fmt.Println("All workers done")

Advanced Patterns: Worker Pools

Now let’s look at a common pattern: worker pools. This pattern allows you to process many tasks with a fixed number of workers:

package main

import (

func worker(id int, jobs <-chan int, results chan<- int) {
    for j := range jobs {
        fmt.Printf("Worker %d started job %d\n", id, j)
        time.Sleep(time.Second) // Simulating work
        fmt.Printf("Worker %d finished job %d\n", id, j)
        results <- j * 2

func main() {
    const numJobs = 10
    jobs := make(chan int, numJobs)
    results := make(chan int, numJobs)

    // Start 3 workers
    for w := 1; w <= 3; w++ {
        go worker(w, jobs, results)

    // Send jobs
    for j := 1; j <= numJobs; j++ {
        jobs <- j

    // Collect results
    for a := 1; a <= numJobs; a++ {

Context for Cancellation and Timeouts

For more sophisticated control of goroutines, Go provides the context package, which allows for cancellation, timeouts, and passing request-scoped values:

package main

import (

func doSomething(ctx context.Context) {
    select {
    case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
        fmt.Println("Work completed")
    case <-ctx.Done():
        fmt.Println("Work cancelled:", ctx.Err())

func main() {
    // Create a context with a timeout of 2 seconds
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
    defer cancel() // Always cancel when done to release resources

    go doSomething(ctx)

    // Simulate other work
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
    fmt.Println("Main function done")

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

1. Race Conditions

Go provides a race detector to help identify race conditions:

go run -race yourprogram.go

2. Deadlocks

When goroutines are waiting for each other indefinitely, Go’s runtime will detect this:

func main() {
    c := make(chan int)
    c <- 1 // This will deadlock since nobody is receiving

Run this and Go will helpfully tell you: fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

3. Memory Leaks

Always close channels when no more data will be sent, and ensure all goroutines will eventually terminate:

// Correct way to close a channel (done by the sender)

Real-world Example: Concurrent Web Scraper

Let’s put everything together with a practical example—a simple concurrent web scraper:

package main

import (

func fetchURL(url string, wg *sync.WaitGroup, results chan<- string) {
    defer wg.Done()

    start := time.Now()
    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        results <- fmt.Sprintf("Error fetching %s: %v", url, err)
    defer resp.Body.Close()

    body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        results <- fmt.Sprintf("Error reading %s: %v", url, err)

    elapsed := time.Since(start)
    results <- fmt.Sprintf("Fetched %s: %d bytes in %v", url, len(body), elapsed)

func main() {
    urls := []string{
        "https://stackoverflow.com”, // Still not dead, Impressive.

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    results := make(chan string, len(urls))

    for _, url := range urls {
        go fetchURL(url, &wg, results)

    // Start a goroutine to close the results channel when all fetches are done
    go func() {

    // Collect and print results
    for result := range results {


Goroutines and channels are what make Go special. They provide a simple, powerful approach to concurrency that avoids many of the pitfalls found in other languages.

By mastering these concepts, you’ll be able to write concurrent programs that are both efficient and maintainable. Remember, Go’s philosophy is all about simplicity and practicality—let the language do the heavy lifting while you focus on solving the problem at hand.

Happy coding, Gophers!

Further Reading

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Hey there! I’m Metin, also known as devsimsek—a young, self-taught developer from Turkey. I’ve been coding since 2009, which means I’ve had plenty of time to make mistakes (and learn from them…mostly).

I love tinkering with web development and DevOps, and I’ve dipped my toes in numerous programming languages—some of them even willingly! When I’m not debugging my latest projects, you can find me dreaming up new ideas or wondering why my code just won’t work (it’s clearly a conspiracy).

Join me on this wild ride of coding, creativity, and maybe a few bad jokes along the way!